Natural Moral Law: Deontological, Absolutist Theory

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Explain Natural Moral Law (25 Marks)
Natural Moral Law is a deontological, absolutist theory. It revolves around the idea that there is a definite right or wrong action itself, irrespective of the consequences, and that it is universally applicable; it can be applied to all rational human beings. Aquinas believed that ‘conformity to the Law would lead to human happiness’. Catholic moral law is derived from this theory, as it is based on the teachings of the Church and the Bible.

Natural Moral Law sets out five primary precepts; Preserve Life, Ordered Society, Worship, Education, Reproduction and is based around the fact that if an action upholds all five of these primary precepts then it is morally good or right. From these primary precepts stems a set of secondary precepts, which are rules which appear to make you morally good if you follow them. For example, using the primary precept of Preserve Life, then the secondary precepts would be do not murder, no to abortion and no to euthanasia. …show more content…

In this case, Aquinas thought that all humans had the ability to make the correct moral decisions inbuilt into them, because they were rational beings, and though this reason we would be able to discover our final purpose. As Aquinas was religious, it follows that he believed that God knew humans would exist, and thus we pre-existed in the mind of God, and that God had a pre-determined purpose in mind for all human beings. Aquinas though that fulfilling your purpose (following the five primary precepts) would make you