Natural Selection Theory Essay

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The Evolution Theory (Rivard, 2017) builds around the process of natural selection, and is what I believe, the main reason we prefer certain individuals to be our partners. The natural selection theory argues that we chose partners that will have a prolonged life, be able to reproduce and pass desirable genetics on to our children. There are four traits that provided successful reproduction in the early life of humans, and what I believe still play a strong role in our mate selection today, these are; emotional, genetic, relational and social fitness (Rivard, 2017). Emotional fitness states we look for someone who’s inclined and able to provide us with emotional and social support needed, and genetic fitness presumes we look for …show more content…

For instance, research was conducted on genetic markers that appear for things such as Alzheimer’s, and it was found that theses markers have slowly decreased over time (McRae, 2017). Also, researchers discovered that gene variation has increased for things like, proteins that can carry cholesterol, as well as proteins that support injury repair in the brain. These examples provide additional evidence that natural selection still plays a huge role in our mate preferences today, as we clearly don’t go testing every potential mate for specific genetics before we choose to have children. Subconsciously, our brains are wired to mate with someone that will pass on the ‘fittest genes’, even if it seems that we consciously chose them based on personality, looks etc., really it’s the same process that every animal goes through when selecting a potential mate. In conclusion, the process of natural selection plays an important role in how one chooses their partner. This theory states we choose partners based on the ability to reproduce, the likelihood of passing on the best genetics and living a longer life to be there to support the children. The four main attributes; emotional, genetic, relational and social fitness, played and continue to play a key role in one’s mate