Nature Vs Nurture Debate Essay

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How does the nature vs. nurture debate play a role in the social issue of alcoholism? First let’s define the meaning of nature, nurture and alcoholism as it pertains to this subject. Nature is defined as predetermined traits give to an individual at birth by their mother or father through their genetic makeup. We see these things every day in a person’s eye and hair color but it also can effect a person’s behaviors. Nurture on the other had is defined by the outside influences we all face throughout our life. This would be things what we see and hear every day at home, school or work. Now alcoholism is considered to be an addiction or illness that causes someone to consume alcohol leading to a reliance that can cause issues with someone’s mental …show more content…

Today we teach excepting mothers to stay away from alcohol because of the issues it can cause during and after pregnancy. We also try to teach children in school about the dangers of over use of alcohol. I just hope that our society as whole can start to realize that some of the thing we have become accustomed to like see drunk people on television or out at a restaurant is not ok and that we need to understand the impact we are having on our youth by allowing these thing to be prevalent in our society. Making the drinking age is not the solution that I see. I think we all need to take a look at the television shows, games, signs and environment we put our children in everyday because for a person that may already be predisposed to impulse control having these things are not going to help them stay clear of triggers. I believe that we are born with intelligence and the way that we are molded by those things around us defines whether or not we will ever find our gift to the