Negative Effects Of Cheating In Sports

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“Who cheats? Well, just about anyone, if the stakes are right. You might say to yourself, I don’t cheat regardless of the stakes. And then you might remember the time you cheated on a board game. Last week. Or the golf ball you nudged put of its bad lie. Or the time you really wanted a bagel but couldn’t shell out that one dollar you were supposed to drop off in the office can. And then took the bagel anyway. And told yourself you’d pay double next day. But you didn’t.” The above lines have been quoted from the popular work by Levitt and Dubner: Freakonomics.[1] Cheating is essentially an economic act: Getting more for less. It is true that cheating and sports go hand in hand with the honor of being the champion hanging around as incentive. The same can be associated with the national sport of Japan. The subsequent brief would be dealing with issue of collusion in Sumo Wrestling linking it to the Self-Determination Theory. Life as sumo wrestler is highly regimented, with rules laid down by the Sumo Association. In recent years, a vast number of controversies have rocked the sumo world having a negative impact on the sport, which is ideally considered so sacrosanct. Even though cheating is highly prevalent in the sports arena, cheating to lose is considered nothing short of a sin. In spite of that that stigma attached to losing, collusion is highly prevalent in the premier sport of the nation, in which one of the players willingly sacrifices his performance in the bout. The