Negative Effects Of Cocaine

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Negative effects of Cocaine

Sujith Poobalasingam
Matthew Hack
Drugs in Canada GNED-1316-AA1 Cocaine is known to being one of the most dangerous substance’s discovered by mankind. Although this drug is used in surgeries as anesthetics, it is still established as an illegal narcotic. The substance has populated around for several thousand years but still remains one of the most abused and popular drug today. In 1970’s a man named Pablo Escobar was the worlds well known man in starting the cocaine business (Pablo Escobar, n.d.). He supplied up to 80% of the cocaine in the united states. His business moved up drastically he became one of most high powered men from the popularity of his cocaine (Pablo Escobar, n.d.). …show more content…

Cocaine was highly common amongst many teens around the world. Cocaine was a drug abused mostly by rich and many Hollywood actors and singers. Since cocaine was so expensive it was usually a popular amongst the wealthy people. “When teens were surveyed to find out why they started using drugs in the first place, 55% replied that it was due to pressure from their friends” (Foundation for a Drug-Free World, n.d.). Many teens who were abusing cocaine were forced or pressured into it because they did not want to be publically humiliated within their friends and peers. Many that sold the drugs were young individuals at schools and parties. Drug dealers targeted older and younger teens so they had those age groups selling for them to become more popular within the areas. Many that used cocaine did it to fit in, to escape and feel relaxed with life, to relieve the boredom, to rebel their superiors and to feel the excitement in experiencing dangerous moments. Cocaine costs from 80 to 100 dollars a gram. Therefore, young teens will take any means necessary to obtain that money for cocaine (Foundation for a Drug-Free World,

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