Negative Effects Of The Columbian Exchange

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The Columbian exchange also named the Columbian interchange/ Columbian trade which was widespread of items from the old world and new world. Things from the new world to the old world and vice versa. Things were traded just as plants, and precious metals such as gold and silver went from the new world to the old world. Commodities were also traded as well as
Culture, people, diseases, ideas, and technology such as tools and other things of that nature at the time. The Columbian exchange benefited the people of Europe the most. The silver and gold of the new world were shipped to Europe treasuries and foods and goods from the new world (America) and Africa increased how long the people in Europe lived (increased life expectancy because the food …show more content…

The Columbian exchange also caused a population increase in Europe benefiting them even more with the crops they brought from the Americas which started an economic shift in Europe. The impact of Columbian exchange negatively affected the natives of the Americas/new world. The Caribbean was negatively affected. The islands were raided and many resources were stolen. The population dropped 50 percent and the disease component affected the natives the mostly. Why diseases affected the natives the most because of their little to no resistance against the old world diseases as they have never seen or encountered them before and they had no immunity to them. The Columbian exchange was named after the Explorer Christopher Columbus who is mistaken as a Spanish explorer which is not true. He is an Italian …show more content…

Parts of Asia and Africa were affected as well. Asia was affected by it being introduced to diseases, new plants, and animals to the continent. One example of Asia being affected by this is the introduction of potatoes from the Andes Mountains in South America. Africa was also affected by the Columbian exchange. Slave exports were already in high demand but when American crops were discovered the slave market boomed. Europeans went to Africa to buy slaves in large quantities. This made the life expectancy of Africans much higher and made their population growth as well. Horses changed the game for native americans. They were able to carry much more than llamas which were what the native Americans used. Horses came with immense wealth due to their capabilities and helped to hunt bison with their speed. Many native Americans and Native islanders in the Caribbean were wiped out due to the diseases the old world brought to them from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Smallpox epidemics were extremely deadly in the new world due to little to no resistance to the diseases such as smallpox, malaria, and more. The Columbian exchange led to a boom in population for many people. New world food had more calories than old-world food which in turn meant eating less but having even more energy which led to a food surplus which in turn doubled the new world population in 200 years. Plants from the old world are mass