Neoconservatives And Neoliberals View Of Single Mothers

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Neoconservatives talk of a ‘golden era’ of the family, where the majority lived in a ‘nuclear family’ consisting of; a married heterosexual couple and their joint biological children. In this ideal, the man is the breadwinner, while the woman stays at home caring for the children and home. They view this family as the cornerstone of society and see this family structure as under threat and mourn its decline. The neo-conservatives especially view single mothers as ‘problematic’ for society and being a lone parent has been determined to be the strongest socio-demographic predictor of childhood injury and children going into care (Morgan 1998). While both the neoconservatives and Neoliberals view single mothers as taking advantage of the welfare state and not contributing to society and the economy. The discourse of the ‘welfare queen’, is evident political commentary, the media, and the public. These ideologies get fileted down and distorted into social service delivery, the education system, and the broader community (Jones-DeWeever, 2005; Roberts, 1999; cited in Ajandi 2011). …show more content…

Parsons (1959; cited in Haralambos & Holborn, 2000, p.509) argues that the rise of the nuclear family developed to best suit the needs of the economy at the time because it could more easily move to where the work was rather than a large extended family. This family structure would fit neoliberal policies of a free market and people being geographically mobile to find work rather than rely on the