Neoliberalism In Mexico Essay

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During the restructuring of Mexico's economy into the new neoliberalism, system wages dropped for the working class people by over 80%. In a society that is controlled by corporations, this faired quite poorly for the Corporate Elite because the lower class could no longer afford to support themselves, much less spend money in their companies.

The public safety net relied mostly on the taxes from the upper two tiers of society; this consisted of social programs, welfare, public education, healthcare, etc. Neoliberal advocates argued that the rich should not be responsible for the lower end of society. The rich continued to get richer, and the cut of social programs created a problem for the poor because they were now forced to spend more with less, all while the rich continued to grow. This was proving to diminish the middle-class altogether. Neoliberalism was a way to exploit the working class people and disabled by harvesting profit from them and sinking more and more people in the bottom classes below the poverty line.

In 1965 neoliberalism in Mexico got its start by creating …show more content…

Upon securing agreements with the European Union and the United States, exports were guaranteed to surge. However, Chili's working class would not be able to stand as Mexico's citizens couldn't. Chili's laborers, like Mexico's, were the real target while the ruling elite profited handsomely from their exploits. During this time, Chilie had just experienced a military coup and was under direct military control. The coup essentially destroyed the middle and lower classes within Chile. Chile's working class endured intervention after intervention from the state that stripped them of any power they had left. The export of natural resources in the 70's made the nation's GDP to elevate to an impressive 31.4% from a meager 14.5% only a few decades earlier. Other exports such as copper, salmon product, wine, and wood fueled the economic

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