Nestle Case Study: Bottled Water Industry

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Nestle is a company that committed to people for living better by offering tastier and healthier foods and beverage choices. Nestle keep the standard from 140 years until now for people at all stage of life and every day. There are more than 2000 brands produce in worldwide. It is a large company. The company has around 33900 employees. It operates in more than 197 countries included Australia. It is a company not only provides produce foods, it is also concern about environment because Nestle needs to use plastic to package the products. According to the case study 1, bottled water industry continues to grow. It will affect our environmental impacts. In Australia, bottled water is dramatically increase because it is convenient to use but amount of waste is making our environment worst. The environment impacts are production, transportation and landfill. Most of the production of water bottle is made by polyethylene terephthalate. It takes up to 3L of water to produce 1L of water. Besides that, all water bottles are required to burn transportation fossil fuel and it is much polluted air because consider around the world is doing that way. It produces toxic and cause human get sick. There are not environmental friendly because many landfill is used for throw water bottle and need to take up around 1000 years to depose. Although plastic bottles can be recycle. From what I have learnt in class, corporate social responsibility can be applied in Nestle company. According to

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