Never Alone: The Iñupiat Culture

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To start off I must say I thought that Never Alone was a game full of bugs and terrible design choices from a gameplay perspective. Overall playing the game was an awful experience for me personally and I would not recommend it to anyone. Despite how I felt about the from a game from a, and I use the term as sparingly as I can, “gamer’s” perspective, I did think the game had its charm mainly deriving from the influences of the Iñupiat culture in which the game was based off. The story was unique, and I like how you interacted with the nature spirits to solve puzzles and to progress. Other than that, there wasn’t much there for me, luckily this paper is about the Iñupiat people and culture and not about the game itself. The Iñupiat use culture to relate and adapt to their environment in many ways. First, they believe that humans are not greater than the …show more content…

As people who live on the ice and next to icebergs they have been able to observe the change in climate for years. The ice melting is affecting they’re ability to hunt and provide for themselves. It’s causing a change to the ecosystem which they rely on for everything they have. To the people who do not believe that claimant change is real, these people are living in the aftermath of all the choices made by other people that have cause this harm to environment. The Iñupiat do not drive cars, they do not have large factories, they have all that nature provides for them and they are losing it thanks to climate change. The Iñupiat where already at risk of losing their culture but the effects of claimant change are close to ending the way of Iñupiat life for good. Fortunately, measures have been taken to preserve their culture the best they can, the game itself being a good example of that, but the Iñupiat way of life should still have people looking to protect it. If not, we lose the risk of losing this very unique human perspective for