New Belgium Brewing: Case Study

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New Belgium Brewing’s (NBB) competitive advantage of social responsibility is the most important and the cornerstone of the company’s strategic focus. (Ferrell and Hartline, 2014, p. 359). In other terms, corporate social responsibility is a major competitive advantage of NBB. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) comprises business practices that are intended to improve the well-being of society (Korschun, Bhattacharya, and Swain, 2014). New Belgium’s social responsibilities provide the company serious competitive advantage because consumers have the desire to believe in and have positive feelings about the products they spend their money on (p. 359).

The company’s image of being a corporate brand that values responsibility, society, and quality is its most important strength (Ferrell and Hartline, 2014, p. 359). New Belgium sees itself as a caring business with that cares about all stakeholders rather than just a beer company (p. 359). The company’s socially responsible initiatives contribute largely to its success as consumers increasingly support what the company stands for (p. 351). Corporate social responsibility actions help to make corporations/businesses appear concerned about creating a healthy …show more content…

The company’s most valuable method of advertisement is through its customers’ word of mouth (Ferrell and Hartline, 2014, p. 352). New Belgium Brewing’s focus on the ethical culture of the brand leaves it in good standing with its consumers (p. 354). When businesses such as New Belgium Brewing promote citizenship within communities, they are able to establish lasting relationships with customers (p. 354). One of New Belgium’s Company Core Values and Beliefs is “Kindling social, environmental, and cultural change as a business role model” (p. 354). This value makes it clear that New Belgium is dedicated to its employees, customers, quality, and the environment (p.