Discussion The Great Depression started not all of a sudden but gradually. As early as 1926, the economy slowed. People stopped building new houses and businesses received less and less amounts of customers. The government of the 1920s supported the idea of big-business with low interest rates and very little regulation from the government. Also America had high tariffs to kept foreign goods out of America. This caused foreign countries to refrain from trading and purchasing American goods. The signal most significant day to the cause of the Great Depression was named Black Tuesday. This was the day that the stock market collapsed. Wall Street was in an uproar. As the news of the failing economy spread, people began to demand that they get …show more content…
President Hoover, who was a republican, had a good representation of himself from WWI, where he provided food to the hungry in Europe. The unexpected crash of the stock market tested Hoover. How he dealt with the problem, his actions to fix the problem, and his aid to the citizens of America all huge factors of his popularity. He believed in letting the problem solve itself, which to some might be a wise choice, but not when thousands of your citizens were starving to death. Eventually Hoover was replaced by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a democrat. Roosevelt was seen as the “New Deal” and he brought on swift reforms with his presidency. He made the Emergency Banking Relief Act. This act allowed the U.S. Treasury to oversee the banks and to only allow the secure banks to reopen. This also allowed loans to banks. A huge part of Roosevelt’s help to fix the depression was his “fireside chats”. These “chats” allowed Roosevelt to talk “personally” with almost every family in America. C.W.A was created and it produced almost four million jobs. F.D.R was elected for his second term of presidency and began his “Second New Deal”. In this time he created the W.P.A., the N.Y.A., the Wagner Act, the National Labor Relations Board, Fair Labor Standards Act and many others. One of Roosevelt’s largest reforms was the Social Security Act, which finally provided funds and security for the elderly and retired people of America. Another remedy to the Great Depression was WWII. This war brought great sorrow to the U.S., but it also provided funds. With the new war came the need of equipment. The U.S. manufactured tanks and guns. This helped lift the country out of its