
New Deal Dbq

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The Great Depression was an important time in history which caused many problems. The President at the time, Franklin Roosevelt and his administration responded to these problems and changed the role of the federal government. The Great Depression had many causes. The Stock Market Crash of 1929, banks closing and the Dust Bowl were some of the main causes. Citizens of the United States were greatly impacted. Many lost their homes and their jobs. Overall, the Depression had devastating effects on the United States. During the Depression, Franklin Roosevelt was the president who helped the United States recover. His New Deal was an important part that helped the United States get out of the Depression. He created jobs, and new policies that helped …show more content…

Roosevelt’s responses changed the role of the federal government. The Great Depression made the government more involved in many ways. They helped create jobs and programs depending on the needs of Americans. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President during the Great Depression, which was a devastating time in history, and he helped lessen the effects of the Depression in many ways like changing the government’s role and creating new policies that would help countless people.

The Depression was caused by various events. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was one of the main causes of this Depression. The Great Depression affected millions of people. Since companies were shutting down, many jobs were affected. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was an important cause for the Depression. It was the beginning of a domino-like effect. Investors had been investing on stock and had managed to raise the Dow Jones to 381 points. During this time, investors were panic buying. When the market crashed in October of 1929, it fell to 41 points. Since the market crashed, thousands of banks closed. It is estimated that around 9 thousand banks closed. If people’s investments were gone due to the crash, they could …show more content…

Roosevelt and his administration were able to respond to the Great Depression quickly and effectively. In Roosevelts first 100 days he followed his New Deal plan. The New Deal helped the economy to recover from the Depression. One of the first things he did as President was a bank holiday. The holiday prevented anyone from making transactions unless it was for change. During the holiday, the government sorted banks into four parts to determine which banks could reopen and which ones needed help. After the 4 day holiday, more than one half of banks were able to open. 5% of banks were unable to continue. In 1933, he signed the Glass-Steagall Act to help banks if they were about to fail. After sorting banking issues, he focused on jobs for Americans. He created the Federal Emergency Relief Act or FERA to help Americans earn money. FERA would pay them to do jobs. The CCC or the Civilian Conservation Corps was aimed toward younger men, around 17 to 25, and gave them jobs. The money earned, around $30 a month, was given to their parents. They were also helping the environment by planting trees and in other ways. The CWA and the WPA also created jobs. CWA or the Civil Works Administration had workers do many types of jobs from tutoring to construction. The WPA (Works Progressive Administration) gave jobs related to the worker’s skills and talents. Actors could perform in theatre, artists painted murals and writers wrote history. The AAA (Agricultural Adjustment

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