
New Inventions Of The 1920s Essay

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New inventions, women’s suffrage, flapper girls, prohibition, jazz music, and sports. These were all crucial parts of the 1920’s, or the “Roaring Twenties” as it is more commonly known. After World War I was over, the economy was booming and it was time for celebration. Society changed drastically during the twenties, weather people believed it was for the better or not. Money was being spent on new, popular goods. Women felt a sense of independence and began to act differently. Alcohol was banned. Jazz music and sports rose in popularity. The 1920’s were a decade with numerous profound social changes that aided in forming today’s society. New inventions shaped America during the twenties. The booming economy formed the country into a consumer society. Everyone had the extra money they needed to buy the newest goods. A largely demanded item was the radio. By the end of the twenties, there were radios …show more content…

They gained the right to vote, began to act and dress differently, had more free time, and obtained jobs. On August 18, 1920, women were finally granted the right to vote. This gave women a sense of self-sufficiency; if they could gain suffrage, then they could do anything. This gave them the push they needed to make other dramatic changes in their lives. They began to wear tighter dresses that revealed more arm and leg. They chopped off their long hair and styled it as a chin-length bob instead. In a magazine article written during the twenties, the author stated, “Her skirts are short because it’s the fashion.” The expression “Flapper girls” became a common term for young ladies that acted out against the conventional behaviors. These girls were known for their tendencies to drink, smoke, say “unladylike” words, and be more “sexually free” than earlier generations (History.com). Not all girls acted like the iconic flapper girl, but many had started to stray from the closely held values of earlier

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