Nicodemus In The Gospel Of John

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Therefore, the conventional interpretation of this encounter that simply presents Nicodemus as a genuine seeker but not understanding Jesus’ words is eclipsed by a more complicated but realistic characterization of dissembling. The latter is caricatured by the ensuing bewildering conversation that does not only manifest the profound identity of Jesus as genuinely coming from God but unveils the true identity of his faking adversary. Such revisit of Nicodemus character is better understood not only with ancient rhetoric but also by contemporary adage, and a cunningly human sense, of “keeping your friends close, and enemies closer.” The ingenuity of such literary style surely infuses excitement in the reading of the story as the audience keeps on guessing how the event will unfold by keeping a keen eye on the movements of the characters. But more importantly, the story teller drives home the message with no less than dramatic twists and turns before dropping a bombshell conclusion. In the case of this episode in the 3rd chapter of the gospel of John, it becomes suddenly clear that the point of the entire conversation is not so much the …show more content…

As we aware that history of salvation never ceases running but continuously flows through generations. The article and the commentaries help me to be aware of the high and depth of every message contains in the Bible. The motivation and background of the writing is also of equal importance in shaping its concepts. Moreover, I realize that there is always room for different interpretations or ways of perceiving the message behind the writing because we cannot absolutely assure in one way or another the original idea of the authors. Thus, we have to be opened in judging and evaluating the message of any text; and need to put in mind that our personal interpretation of the biblical message for personal interest is advisedly