
Nietzsche's Use Of Meter In Poetry

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In aphorism 98, Nietzsche talks about the effect of meter in poetry. He says that “meter lays a veil over reality; it effectuates a certain artificiality of speech and unclarity of thinking; by means of the shadows it throws over thoughts it now conceals, now brings into prominence.” The effects of meter in certain poems like Catullus’ poem 5 is very prominent, and in the way Nietzsche is thinking, it brings into prominence things that would not have previously been considered, but contrary to Nietzsche, I believe it brings forward more thinking and makes it even more clear, not unclear. For example, with hendecasyllabic meter, Catullus’ word choice greatly influences what the meaning of the poem is. When Catullus uses words that require movement or rolling of the tongue, he uses it in the fashion to simulate what it is like to kiss someone. The main subject of the poem is an ode to his lover …show more content…

Especially in the sense of poetry, it bears the soul of the author and allows for people to relate and feel the same feelings that the author is. I believe art makes the sight of life bearable by taking the veil of reality off of it, and showing the world what is truly happening. In the example of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise,” she refers to specific times when she has been berated and beaten down, but the whole subject of the poem is her coming out on the other side, not feeling diminished in her sense of self, despite what everyone may say. I don’t think that this is making life bearable by laying any type of veil over it. It makes Angelou’s struggles come alive, and makes it possible for people to relate to her that may have had the same experiences. If anything, it takes the mask off of reality and brings to the forefront the problems that Angelou and millions of others have

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