
Night By Elie Wiesel Essay

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Lets begin with how Elie was forced by the Nazis to go to Auschwitz at the age of only 15 years old. The Auschwitz concentration camp is located in Poland, where they didn't even think about feeding him, and treated him harshly. Both of Elie’s parents and a younger sister passed away in the Holocaust because they were getting treated like dolls. It was the most horrific time in time for the Jews. Elie Wiesel is very lucky that he lived through the Holocaust for us we have proof and information about what they did to Jews and for Elie, he spared his life and lived through it telling the world what happened to him. To start off, Anne Frank spent most of her time hiding in an unoccupied space at the back of Otto Frank's company suit, which is what they called a secret Annex. …show more content…

Anne was 15 years old when her family was found, captured, and sent to the concentration camps, which is where she passed away because she was very sick because she wasnt getting cleaned, and also fell for a disease that was contagious and spread easily. When Anne was in the concentration camp there wasn't any food source. Anne Frank was also only 15 years old when she died, she was too young for the kind of sickness that she had.Anne Frank and Elie Wiesel were a lot alike, just like the fact that they were both 15 years old when they went to Auschwitz, and even the fact they both went to Auschwitz concentration camp. Even though Elie spent most of his time in Auschwitz and Anne spent most of her time hiding, they experienced the same pain. Neither Anne or Elie got murdered by these horrible people thankfully. Frank and Weisel were both getting treated very badly, and they were also

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