
Night Of The Long Knives Essay

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Explain how the night of the long knives allowed Hitler to consolidate his power in Germany. [8 marks]

Success criteria:

x2 PEEL paragraphs, explaining x2 different reasons how Hilter gained more power in Germany after June 30 - July 2, 1934.

Separate concluding statement summarising what you have written and directly answering the question.

The Night of the Long Knives was a crucial event in Hitler's consolidation of power in Germany. On June 30-July 2, 1934, Hitler ordered the execution of several high-ranking members of the Nazi Party, including Ernst Röhm, the leader of the SA. This event allowed Hitler to eliminate internal opposition and solidify his control over the Nazi Party and the German state.

One reason why the Night of the Long Knives allowed Hitler to consolidate his power was by removing potential rivals and threats to his leadership. The SA, under Röhm's leadership, had become increasingly powerful and ambitious, and there were growing tensions between the SA and the regular German army, the Reichswehr. Hitler used this as an opportunity to eliminate the SA leadership and any other potential rivals within the Nazi Party. This allowed Hitler to maintain control over the direction and policies of the Nazi Party without interference or opposition from internal factions. …show more content…

The swift and brutal nature of the executions sent a clear message to the German population and the Nazi Party that Hitler would stop at nothing to maintain his power. This served to intimidate any potential opposition to Hitler's leadership, both within and outside the Nazi Party, and cemented his reputation as a ruthless and decisive

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