Nike Case Study

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QUESTION ONE In my opinion Nike should be held responsible for the working conditions in foreign factories even though it does not own them. As a global firm engaging different subcontractors in different countries to manufacture its various products, it is imperative that Nike not only ensures that these very subcontractors adhere to and meet a set criteria of factory working conditions but also influence their subcontractors to improve laborers working environment. Not only that, Nike should make it a point to regularly evaluate and assess the working conditions in its foreign factories and if necessary review any of the conditions. In addition to that, many global companies such as Adidas, Nike etc. are seen as role models in the market place and the society at large (Nisan, 2013). Because of this role model perception attached to these companies, they will always be held responsible for their foreign factories as they are the most visible part of the whole supply chain. That is to say, although Nikes subcontractors are partially responsible, Nike will always bear more of the responsibility as all eyes are on them as a global firm compared to its subcontractors and they ought to make sure their foreign factories operate in a “sweatshop free” manner. QUESTION TWO It is without question that Nike should hold foreign factories to labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime etc. to those prevailing in the foreign countries and not those prevailing