Nikola Tesla Murder

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The Murder of Nikola Tesla

Year 1851 -

Amidst heavy rains and violent thunderstorms Nikola Tesla lay dead in his London apartment. He lay on the ground like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man, hand and legs spread to the farthest possible. Blood came bubbling down his mouth and the smell of fleas inhabiting his dead body was unbearable. All in all it was a gruesome to behold.

Thomas Edison was the first person to see his best friend drenched in blood as he came to pay an occasional visit to his friend. He informed the police at the earliest.

Upon further inspection of the crime scene police found traces of a white powder which was later confirmed to be arsenic. Post mortem revealed that it was arsenic poisoning that killed Mr Tesla.

After a comprehensive …show more content…

He happens to show up at Tesla’s doorstep for an occasional visit but instead is greeted by a dead Tesla lying on the ground. Being the first one to spot the murder he immediately informed the police. He added further that on his way to Tesla’s house he had met his servant Westinghouse at the grocery market. When asked about the arsenic he said he wasn’t much aware of the powder in Tesla’s house.

Westinghouse - The servant was grocery shopping while Tesla’s death happened as confirmed by Edison. He informed the police that earlier Tesla was taken to the hospital for a suspected for food poisoning but nothing seemed troublesome after it. When asked about the arsenic he said he didn’t know much about it except that they were used by his employer in his experiments. He further claimed that it was one of the other three suspects is the murderer.

Roentgen - A relative of Tesla, he emphasised how Tesla craved for isolation and death was his enemy. He said that they haven’t met for a long time but the night before Tesla’s death he had called him. Tesla told him there was something troubling him and wanted to talk about it. Later he overheard Tesla telling his servant to prepare for the meeting. The time for their meeting was around the same time as Tesla’s death. When he reached Tesla’s place he was 10 minutes late and saw a fretting Edison and realised Tesla was