Nine Supreme Court Cases

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The Supreme Court was established in February 2nd, 1790 in Article III, Section 1 of the US Constitution. The Supreme Court is the highest court in America. Citizens have to go the court to even be considered to be a viewing of the Supreme Court. Only one-hundred cases out of ten-thousand cases are actually going through. They are nine supreme justices because there cannot be a split decision. The role of the Supreme Court as the final for an example Obergefell v. Hodges the court decision was a five to four court split. Civil court is a case that is involving divorce. Criminal courts are when a crime or violation occurred. An example of criminal court is first degree murder. Judicial review, which was established in 1803 during the Marbury v. Madison case. It includes the supremacy of national laws or treaties when they conflict with state and local laws. This case it made it clear the power that declared the congressional and presidential acts invalid because of the violation of the constitution. Justices have to show judicial restraint in making a decision in a case. After a case once a decision is made, it is considered a judgment among the court. The justice in the majority party has to draft and …show more content…

Their role in forming and directing the court’s conferences, is also a social leader. It helps keep the solidarity within the group to prevent less confrontation. During a conference, meeting, the chief of justice can control the discussion of issues, through independent- minded justice. In the present day justices regularly argue and debate during the conference .The constitution or the national law imposes formal requirements for appointing the federal courts. After being appointed, the district court and appeals judges must reside in appoints judges to the federal courts. All the nominees must be confirmed by the senate in ordered to be