
No Child Left Behind Act Essay

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The No Child Left Behind Act shows individuals learning at a pace scale (Simpson, 2005). Pace scale in The No Child Left Behind Act shows how a student will be able to on the same playing field but in reality it really varies depending on how a student is being taught. Enlightening students with disabilities through video games could help each pupil understand the curriculum. Students with special educational needs (SENs) crave an altered speed in absorbing the material which is demonstrated. Education and video games could play a vital role in the students with learning disabilities because technology is evolving and changing every day. Bringing video games inside the classroom to enhance students with disabilities’ like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), dyslexia, dyscalculia, and other deficiencies could keep students interested in learning valuable lessons. Children with SENs have to face challenges in coping with everyday life and education; it is conceivable that some of …show more content…

Multiplayer video games can build teamwork among students who might play on a daily basis. Playing videogames seems to be greater force then a person trying to maintain good grades. This is a huge problem since some teachers don’t know how to fix this trend. Their lack of understanding of this new generation of students leads teachers to believe that if they give up the wheel, the car will crash (Simpson, 2005). If teachers don’t try to jump and embrace the new change in teaching our current generations, the students will be lost for years to come. Many gamers are not sure what the goal is in school or how they can help accomplish that goal (Simpson, 2005). If a student doesn’t understand the content in which it is being presented will have a person lost until a teacher bring it to their learning

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