No Math At All Short Story

2881 Words12 Pages

No Math
At All

Written by
Donna M. Miller

Donna Miller’s Dedication:

Dedicated to Diane Schroeder-mentor, encourager, friend

Joshua Hardman’s Dedication

To my wonderful family for their unending support, I love you all so much. Also, to any child who reads this book, you can make your dreams come true if you truly believe that you can.

“Oh, no,” said Andrew, “This can’t be good.”
Miss Miller, their teacher, had scheduled a parent meeting for right after school on Friday. The classroom door was shut and the students were waiting in the hall.

(insert illustration 1- children by door with parent meeting sign)

“Maybe they’re planning a party for us,” said Jenny.
“I don’t think so,” said Andrew.
“Maybe they’re planning a cool field trip,” …show more content…

There was a small pile of gardening tools lying nearby, and there was Grandma waiting with a big straw hat upon her head.

(Insert illustration of girl waving to grandma)

“Let’s get started,” said Grandma. They each carried a container of pink and purple flowers to the left side of the house. Grandma told Kenna to plant all of the flowers along that side of the house. Grandma took the same amount of flowers to an identical spot at the right side of the house to plant. After an hour, Grandma and Kenna met on the front porch for some lemonade and cookies. When the snack was finished, they went to see the flowers that Grandma had planted. The flowers were beautiful- just like the magazine picture. They were evenly spaced in nice, neat rows.
Kenna led Grandma to the other side of the house where she had planted flowers. These didn’t look like Grandma’s at all even though they had used the same flowers. Kenna’s rows were crooked and unevenly spaced. There was a lot of extra space at each end that didn’t have any flowers.

(Insert illustration of grandma kneeling beside girl near flower