Non Formal Impartiality Analysis

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impartiality might allow special consideration for persons who have traditionally been marginalized or subject to discrimination. Rawls comes to realize that the ultimate argument for the difference principle is a Kantian one. In order to extend my discussion further, I now turn to an examination of Kantian non-formal impartiality. The following paragraphs will allow me to set forth my arguments more cogently. The value of non-formal impartiality At the outset, the following question will help direct our examination of non-formal impartiality: How exactly is the Kantian duty of beneficence determined by non-formal impartiality rather than formal impartiality? To provide an answer, consider this scenario: I have an over-abundance of resources …show more content…

While these examples of allowing a neighbor to starve or murdering children in accord with some rule of action may appear extreme, they can and, indeed, have occurred in our world. Therefore, if we choose to impartiality consider the interests of all concerned parties in a given situation; such a course goes well beyond the requirements of a merely formal …show more content…

For non-formal notion of impartiality, humans may well hold to the supreme moral value which motivates us to regard others as ends in themselves not merely means. We do not steal the grain because such action would demean our humanity, we help others because never treat others merely means but ends, C2 is not merely a negative assertion, as the narrow formalists charge. The supreme value espoused in C2, is, then, not too formal to guide our action; it possesses concreteness or substantive matter that informs an impartial approach to