
Normal Definition Analysis

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My life is perfect! Or at least as perfect as it can be for a 14 year old girl. I play softball and we are on a streak of 9 wins. We are going for an undefeated season. My parents are just like any other parents; ordinary. My brother is like no other. Other brothers are loud and obnoxious. My brother is an angel. Psych… he is worse than other children! We are trying to find out if it is something mental or not!?! My friends Britt, Drew, and Mike are all my friends. They are normal. But what is normal exactly? Normal Definition- (Adj.) 1) Conforming to a type or standard; regular. 2) Constituting a standard; model. 3) Math. Perpendicular. 4) Average; mean. 5) Chem. Denoting a salt having no replaceable hydrogen. 6) Phychol. Of average intelligence or health. (N) 1) A common or natural condition. 2) a rule or accepted process. 3) the average or mean value of observed qualities. 4) Math. A straight line perpendicular to a curve or surface at a point. (Adv.) 1) common, everyday, ordinary, typical, usual. ~New Standard Encyclopedia Dictionary …show more content…

We are all special, weird, silly, mental in our own way. But some of us are more “special” than others. There is something odd about Britt, Drew, and Mike. I have been friends with them for as long as I can remember and they tell me everything. So I shouldn't accuse them of anything or ask. But I just can't shake the feeling. Something is off. There demeanor has changed and they are acting kind of stand offish. It makes sense due to the “accident” that had occurred just recently. But it just seems more than that. I can't put my finger on it. I will have to let it go for now because there are more important things to take care of. I will just push this to the back of my mind but when I get the chance I will bring it up. I hope they will open up to me! What am I saying I know they will… of

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