North American Colonies Research Paper

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Founding of North American British Colonies The History of North American Colonies began with the Native Americans rather then with Christopher Columbus, even though current History says America was discovered by Columbus. He named it the New World. The Europeans grouped the Native Americans as "one people" even though they did not see themselves as such. That is because they were filled with a linguistic diverse group of individuals. France and England began to colonize the New World. The Europeans started fishing off of the Banks of the coast of the Newfoundland. Giovanni da Verrazano began exploring the Atlantic Coast of North America which is now known as North Carolina up to Maine. After da Verrazano left he sent back information and …show more content…

Then Francis Drake launched a series of attacks on Spanish ports and fleets in the New World. the results of these attacks was an increase in wealth, mostly for Elizabeth and those that invested in the sea dogs. Elizabeth authorized several attempts at exploration and colonization. In the 1570 's Martin Frobisher conducted three voyages in the North Atlantic. And in 1583 Humphrey Gilbert sailed with a group of ships and landed at St John 's Bay. Immediately following that adventure in 1584 to 1587 Walter Raleigh put together the attempt to establish a colony in the mid-Atlantic coast and in 1584 his expedition left for the New World. The expedition arrived at Roanoke off the coast of North Carolina. They stay for about two months exploring and trading with the Indians. Raleigh sets up a second expedition in 1585, and he names the land Virginia in honor of Elizabeth, the virgin …show more content…

The English demanded more of the Indians resources. Raleigh planned to exploit the Indians and use them as laborers. In 1586 the colonists attacked the Indian villages. With little hope of future exploitation of the Indians the colonists returned to England. And in 1587 Raleigh arranged for John White to to return to America in another attempt to establish a colony. In 1588 King Philip II of Spain wa outraged that England had ventured into lands reserved by the Pope for Catholics. Spain no longer had a monopoly on colonization in the New World. Ricahrd Hakluyt promoted colonization, Queen Elizabeth 's advisors decided that the time had come for England to enter the competition for America and the reasons were as such balance of trade, remedy for population pressures and Protestantism. Based off of the Columbian Echange, it seems like the degree of economics is more important then religion, even though religion is important as well it just does not hold the same value of importance as resources, goods and services. While the Europeans brought various economically positive things and the Spaniards brought domesticated animals along with Christianity each group had more economical beneficial things to trade with or share amongst each other. This included the Mediterranean trade and European expansion as well as the Portugese