North And South Stereotypes

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The North and the South are on two different playing fields. In 2010, 11,722,862 people lived in the North, and 14,318,924 people lived in the South (U.S. Population). People from the North have stereotypes about people from the South, and people from the South have stereotypes about people from the North. The great debate about which states are better has been going on since the civil war days. Although the North and South are both in the United States, they have many differences.
First of all, the food here in the south is not what one would find in the North. In the South, one would find foods such as chitlins, pig feet, and sweet tea. On the contrary, if one went to the North they would find foods such as oatmeal, Yankee potato salad, …show more content…

In the South, people take college football and NASCAR very seriously. Even religion is affected by NASCAR Sundays. Preachers will sometimes let the sermon out early, so they can make the race. Southern people get angry over college football this quote explains it all: “A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall” (Leahy). However, people in the North take baseball more seriously. The northern states have more pro baseball teams, and the southern states have more college football teams.
Lastly, the North and the South both have blue skies; however, the climates are very different. The South is very hot and humid; whereas, the North has a less hot climate than the South. When it snows in the South, everything shuts down, but in the North they are equipped for the snow. The average temperatures from December 2014 to February 2015 in the South were near average; on the other hand, the North was below average (Weather). When it snows in the North, a lot of older people migrate to the South, where it is nice and warm, and they are called snowbirds.
Even though the North and South make up the United States, the people differ in many ways. The great debate about the differences, and what states are better will continue until the end of time. The North has their pros of living, and the South does too. As one can see, the North and South are on two ends of the playing field, and will never be the