Nothing But The Truth Essay

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In the book Nothing but the Truth by Avi, Miss Narwin, (a language arts teacher and frankly the best teacher at the school) applies to be the recipient of a grant that would allow her to take a teacher course taught by master teachers on teaching a new generation of students but is denied by the principal because she already gave the grant to Kimberly Howard the band teacher for the course that she applied to which was a course on marching band etiquette. It was unfair to deny Miss Narwin the grant for the following reasons; She has seniority, tThe principal did not take both sides into consideration, the decision should not be based on bias and it was, and finally the course would have helped avoid the main issue of the book entirely. All these points and more prove how the decision to not give Miss Narwin the grant was unfair. …show more content…

The only side that the principal took into consideration was Kimberly Howard’s who asked first. She should have asked any other teachers if they wanted to use that money for any courses. Though yes, one could argue that it would be a hassle to have to deal with a small reservoir of money and possibly many teachers to divide it amongst them and she might have jumped the gun to escape angry teachers all wanting courses. But Howard is a new teacher she hasn't been at the school long and hasn't done much for the school, but Miss Narwin on the other hand has been at the school for a long time and has seniority (pg. 14 “I have been teaching for a long time”) and she has done a lot for the school community as well as not asking much of the school (pg. 15 “Over the years I have not asked for this kind of support before”). Miss Narwin should have had the grant for the class, and She might have if the decision hadn’t been tainted by bias, which brings me onto my next

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