Nt1310 Unit 1 Program Analysis

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Branching: • We can illustrate the concept of branching with a program that adds a list of numbers. • Same operations are performed repeatedly, so the program contains a loop. • The loop body is straight-line instruction sequence. • It determines the address of next number, load value from the memory, and add to sum • Branch instruction causes repetition of body. Addressing: • We can assign byte address across words in two ways. • Big-endian addressing assigns lower addresses to more significant (leftmost) bytes of word. • Little-endian addressing uses opposite order. • Commercial computers use either approach, and some can support both approach Memory Space: In each memory location, we can store 1 byte(8-Bits).Memory Locations are numbered as Big_endian order below. 00000000 …show more content…

5D0B is the address of the memory location MOVEX (ARx0),DRx0 // here DRX0 contains the value stored in the address stored in ARx0 Syntax : # , MOVEx #5D0B,(ARx0) //here, 5D0B is stored in Address specified in ARx0 Register. Syntax : # , MOVEx #5D0B,(ARx0)+ //here, 5D0B is stored in Address specified in ARx0 Register and value in ARx0 is incremented

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