Nt1330 Unit 3 Task 1

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I have been asked to use Ubuntu? One comparison between windows and linux is that Linux is a lot freer than windows because windows are restricted. Another comparison is windows are a lot safer because if something breaks you get paid support whereas on Linux you do not have any support. My experience with Linux is not much as I am entirely a windows user.
Task 1:
I have been asked to open a terminal (the terminal allows me to access to the command prompts) and show which directory I’m in, and then navigate to the home directory, to make shore I’m in the correct one I type cd (change directory). I think it will take me to the home directory and I will do this by typing in cd ~. I think this will work because cd ~ is what you type to get to the home directory. This print screen shows me going to the home directory. I have tested it and it worked but it wasn’t the most efficient as you can just press …show more content…

I will do this by typing mkdir before the name desired. Mkdir just basically creates the file. I think it will create a file named A452. This print screen shoes me doing the task and proof of it working as I have listed and opened the A452 directory. I have tested it as you see on the print screen and it was the most efficient way. I thinki it went well because I did not mess up the commands and it could be improved by reducing steps.

Task 6:
I have been asked to navigate to my new directory (A452) and type touch (Mitchelltextfile) and explain what happened. I think it will create a file named (Mitchelltextfile) I think I will do this by typing what it says in. I think it will work because it has text file in the name. This print screen shows me doing the task and I have tested it which proves I thought correctly as it now list the file. It was the only way I saw so it was the most efficient. I think it went well because it was

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