Nt1310 Unit 3 Research Methods

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n research methods, every researcher uses a procedure or a means of measurement to collect data. For example, three types of basic measurement collection are self-reports, observational, and physiological. Each method has their pros and cons in research. Depending on the research you are conducting these methods of measurement can either guide you to great discovery the pro, or skew your data making it unreliable the con. Observational measure is the method of measuring behaviors by directly observing subjects (Leary, M. R. (2011). While using this method you should always be unobtrusive, which means not to be so attracting or gaining so much attention. You should always try to blend in with your subjects and try not to alarm them. When you blend in with your subjects you are more likely to get optimal results for your data. For this method it is always good to allow participants to habituate or accumulate to you. An article that used Observational methods administered a self-referent encoding task and used the dot-probe task to adolescents with bipolar disorder along with a demographically similar health comparison group (Whitney, J., …show more content…

R., 2011). The pro in using this method is that it gives respondents views directly, it gives variety of studies, and it is population based. The con of using this method is the validity problems; the participants could be deceptive with their responses, the lack of conscious awareness, and attribution biases. 76 adolescents ranged from ages 13 through 18along with their parents completed the MDQ-A, which is a mood disorder questionnaire and CBQ screening also referred to as child bipolar questionnaire. About three weeks later they conducted another interview, soon after that interview another MDQ-A self-report was conducted a second time for optimal

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