6-1. Examples of organizations that could have information silos could be a local restaurant and a chain restaurant. Both probably have information silos if they have a database for each area of work. This could happen if each area doesn 't have a way to communicate their data to the others, which causes problems in the business system running smoothly. For the local store, an EAI would probably be the best because it is for smaller businesses and would disrupt business for a shorter period of time. The larger chain business should probably use an ERP because it offers more benefits to larger companies and would be able to keep large business processes running more smoothly.
6-2. If the freshman class for next year grew by 20%, the college would face many decisions and challenges with the system they already have set up. Challenges would be seen in on-campus housing, desk availability, registering, food services, and having enough teachers or resources for the influx of students. The organizations that would need to know this information early is housing, food services, and registering staff. I am sure that St. Scholastica has a efficient way of sharing information, such as staff meetings.
6-3. If I was an athletic director, I would want the athletic departments budget, game scheduling, and perhaps a list of
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Compared to other classes, this MIS class has at home quizzes, hands-on activities, and a more laid back environment. I believe that a ERP system is not efficient or effective when it comes to classes because it makes it harder to cater to the uniqueness of each subject. It would be difficult to work with the students because there would be more constraints on teaching and learning in general. Every class and student is different, which makes creating a ERP system difficult to implement. To measure the potential improvement that an ERP system could provide to classes, the school could look at student grades or take a survey of