Number The Stars By Lois Lowry: Poem Analysis

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In the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, Peter took out their old bible and read the psalm that said “O praise the Lord. How good it is to sing psalms to our God! How pleasant to praise him! The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem; he gathers in the scattered sons of Israel. It is he who heals the broken in spirit and binds up their wounds, he who numbers the stars one by one…” (pg 102). This psalm can be looked at from many angles. Annemarie takes it in the literal direction thinking that the psalms last phrase “it is he who numbers the stars one by one...” means that it is he who numbers the stars up in the sky counting one by one. However, I think that this last phrase could be a metaphor meaning it is God who watches over the Jews. The stars …show more content…

I used this method of breaking things down into smaller parts and accomplishing things in smaller tasks in almost everything I do from cleaning my room, to doing my homework to performing on stage. Whenever I have a task that seems overwhelming I try to focus on the first thing that I need to do and then when I finish this part I look at the next step. I do this every day with my homework (which can sometimes seem too big or too difficult). I start with reading over my list of assignments. Then, I start at working at the top on my list and do each homework task one at a time. If I get to an assignment that is particularly difficult then I break that down into even smaller parts. Sometimes, when I get to a task that is exceptionally difficult I skip it and come back to it after I have completed the more straightforward tasks. I have found that this method of doing things one by one has helped me to be able to complete tasks that I might have been overwhelming. I have found that every journey begins with just one step and if I focus on getting small things done I can go further than if I focus on my final