Nursing Ethical Foundations

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Ethical and Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing
Nursing as a profession committed to the defense of Human and Social Right to Health and Life of individuals, families and communities whose primary responsibility and action focuses on the promotion, protection, recovery and rehabilitation of mental, physical, social and spiritual people and provides support and relief of suffering in compliance with ethical and legal principles. Coordinates its activities with other related groups: professionals and technicians. Take care of yourself and those who share responsibilities in the disciplinary field. The nurse trades as autonomy, justice, fairness, competence, responsibility and honesty; all of which is evident in ethical reasoning and the …show more content…

It is the doctor 's responsibility to give the patient information about a particular treatment or procedure so the patient can decide whether to undergo the treatment, procedure, or test. This process of providing essential information to the patient and getting the patient 's agreement to a certain medical procedure or treatment is called informed consent. The patient’s consent distinguishes permitted from unpermitted treatment. Whereas this effectively precludes a claim of battery under present-day conventions, it otherwise is insufficient to eliminate all legal risk. The right of choice under the concepts of autonomy and personal dignity is now legally recognized to require more. The doctor must actually discuss the procedure and risks with the patient. And the patient must understand, to the extent possible, the risks he or she faces. Whether or not a patient gave his or her informed consent to a treatment is crucial in the law of medical malpractice. If a doctor does not get a patient 's informed consent, and the patient would not have opted for the treatment if he or she knew about the risks, the patient may be able to sue the doctor for medical malpractice. A claim of lack of informed consent usually accompanies an allegation of medical malpractice for wrongful diagnosis or treatment. It differs importantly from malpractice in not requiring that the treatment be a departure from the standard of care. The …show more content…

Ethics in Nursing Practice provides the background necessary to understand ethical decision making and its implications for patient care. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations we place on ourselves and in our professional colleagues of the global community of project management. Clearly stated ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our performance as professionals and volunteers. The purpose of this Code is to instill confidence in the field of project management and help people to become better professionals. To do this, we set the framework for understanding the appropriate behavior in the profession. We believe that the credibility and reputation of the project management as a profession are forged on the basis collective conduct of each professional. As practitioners of project management, we are committed to act correctly and honorably. Us set a high level of demand, we aspire to achieve in all aspects of our lives: at work, in the home and the service of our profession. We believe we can enhance our profession, both individually and collectively, by taking. This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. We also believe that this Code will help us make decisions sensible, particularly when faced with difficult situations where we may be asked to compromise our integrity