What Is Quality And Safety In A Nursing Home Setting

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W5 Application: Patient Safety Risks Nursing Home Setting This paper will focus on geriatric patients group with increased fall risk at nursing homes. A nursing home is chosen by as the selected healthcare setting. Nursing homes are not only for geriatric population, but for anyone who requires 24-hours care. Nursing homes focus their services for people who cannot be cared at home. Most nursing homes have nursing aides and skilled nurses on hand 24 hours a day. Many of them are set up like a hospital setting. This type of facility provides interdisciplinary medical care, such as physical, speech, and occupational therapy, or even specialized care units. Patient Safety Among the key challenges of patient care, quality, and safety is to ensure that there are no injuries to patients from the care intended to help them. Another challenge is to provide care that is respectful of and responsive to patient preferences, needs, and values. Since the nation's health care system is prone to errors which can be detrimental to quality and safety. In fact, a variety of stakeholders are responsible of ensuring that patient care is delivered with the highest quality standards and that no harm occurs to patients. However, the possibility of errors is …show more content…

An interdisciplinary team of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, administrators, quality resource management staff, and if possible Six Sigma black belts participates in the analysis of the medication reconciliation process and its vulnerabilities. The team develops a plan to eliminate errors by following a flow chart to revise and pursue the established goals. In general, communication failures lead to errors in the administration of medications, in the doses or in the method of using a drug. In fact, Six Sigma approach is fundamental for the safety of nursing homes since many medications increase the patients’ risk of