Nursing Praxis Framework Analysis

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Framework for Praxis
The author is pursuing the Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (PNP-PC) course. In order for nurses to be able to assess and manage their patients, they should be able to effectively synthesize knowledge (Higgs, Burn, & Jones, 2011). This paper aims to provide a succinct discussion of the ideological, theoretical, and ethical framework that influences the author’s praxis. Furthermore, this paper will discuss how the author’s philosophical viewpoint and theoretical framework affect how she views her phenomenon of interest on newborn screening for critical congenital heart defects (CCHD). Lastly, this paper will present the author’s graphic model of her praxis framework.
Ideological Influences
Analytic philosophy is …show more content…

The results of these studies strengthened the author’s belief that the community benefits from the implementation of this public health program. The author is currently a pediatric cardiothoracic operating room nurse and is knowledgeable on the complications and mortality due to the late detection and delayed surgical treatment of CCHD in newborns. The author believes that changes in normal newborn screening routine is beneficial and should be implemented in nationwide. The author will use her analytic philosophy to conduct more studies that will yield new recommendations to improve patient outcomes. Moreover, the author plans to evaluate multiple evidenced-based practices that are being implemented in her facility and publish articles in the …show more content…

The author believes that the NSM underpins her POI. NSM helped the author identify the metaparadigm concepts in her POI and apply it in this grand theory. The grand theory’s concepts of levels of prevention also helped the author become more cognizant as to what kind of intervention is being done in the newborn and what is the purpose of that intervention. The author’s POI is newborn screening for CCHD, and it aims to increase the early detection rate for the said condition. The POI’s goal relates to the levels of prevention in the NSM. All the levels of prevention are exhibited in the interventions that are performed once a newborn is diagnosed with a

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