O Captain My Captain And Frederick Douglass Essay

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In the poems,”O Captain! My Captain! “ by Walt Whitman and “Frederick Douglass” by Robert Hayden, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are both displayed as heros for the same reason. Although they have faced many hardships, they have bettered the country in some way. They are looked up to by the speakers and are treated with great respect. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass have both achieved incredible things in their lives that have made our country better, for this reason they have been labeled as heroes. In Addition ,the tone of the poem also supports the idea of their heroic acts. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are exhibited as heros. They have both overcome many hardships in their journey to success, for example Frederick Douglass was a former slave who became educated and Lincoln was shot soon after he achieved his goal. They made many sacrifices to better the country “ this former slave, this negro, beaten to his knees, exiled, visioning a world where no man is lonely, none hunted,alien, this man, superb in love and logic, this man shall be remembered.” lines seven through ten in the poem “Frederick Douglass” This shows the speakers gratitude …show more content…

The tone of the poems is appreciative and thankful, but moves to honesty and integrity. “Rise up- for you the flag is flung- for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths-for you the shores a-crowding.” Found in lines nine through eleven. This shows how the tone describes how appreciated he was and how much he impacted the country and the lives of others. He was loved by many as was Frederick Douglass “Oh, not with statues’ rhetoric, not with legends and poems and wreaths of bronze alone, but with lives grown out of his life, the lives fleshing out his dream.” Found in lines eleven through fourteen in Frederick Douglass. Both were described as heros throughout the tone of the