OSHA Composites: A Case Study

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Normally OSHA citations are mailed to the company within several days up to a few weeks after the closing conference. All OSHA citations must be issued to the employer within six months of the start of the inspection. After the employer has received the citation(s), the employer must post a copy in a noticeable place near each cited hazard. The citation(s) must be posted until the violations are abated or for three working days, whichever is longer. Each cited hazard is required to have all documents related to the abatement plan posted with the citation(s). If the employer fails to abide by these posting requirements it may result in additional OSHA citations. Note: if a violation was corrected on the spot during an OSHA inspection and you …show more content…

A respirator protection policy well be set up that complies with 29 CFR 1910.134. The employees will be given a medical evaluation to ensure they are medically fit for wearing a respirator. All employees medically fit will be fit tested so ensure they have the correct size respirator and proper fit. Safety department will set up a policy and procedure that conform to 29 CFR 1910.134 regarding facial hair. This will allow the company to conform to the citation interim measure; by using effective respirator protection shall be provided and used by all employee(s). A policy will be implemented in the area required to wear a respirator in the company. This respirator will be a 3M 7500 provided by the company. All Equipment will be purchased and be available after the fit tests have been completed. After the correction, or modification, has been completed, a third party inspection of the air quality for chemical breaks down and particulates in the air will be conducted. This test would be completed to ensure the air quality is within the OSHA standards based on an 8 hour work schedule. To ensure the company will maintain the quality it will be tested annually by a third party inspection. All the abatements will be completed on or before 09/27/2015. The following summary is the action the employer has taken to abate the following citations: Citation 1 Item 6. The safety department would establish a written lock out and tag procedure in an accordance with 29 CFR 1910.147 and procedure for all required equipment. An independent contractor would be hired to instruct the employees. This citation was abated on