9/11 Impact On Society Essay

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The attacks on September 11 greatly impacted the American people through death, health and psychological issues. In 2001, a massive terrorist attack was launched against the United States by a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda. These devastating attacks took place in three major locations: New York City, Washington, and Pennsylvania. The most commonly known attacks were the American Airlines that crashed into the World Trade Center’s North and South towers in New York City. These strategic attacks not only murdered thousands on the planes and buildings, but also caused long term effects on the health of civilians who were present for the attacks. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the hijacking of American Airline 11 began around 8:14 a.m and at 8:46 Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Shortly after the first plane hit the North tower, Flight 175 struck the South Tower around the 60th floor and created a massive explosion showering debris onto the streets below. Then, according to History.com, Flight 175 struck the South Tower around the 60th floor and created a massive explosion showering debris onto the streets below. “At least 400 police officers and firefighters died while trying to save the civilians in the Twin Towers while more than 3,000 people died during the attacks on Washington and New …show more content…

As with responders, respiratory symptoms in other groups have been reported to persist for several years. For 1,898 residents, local workers, and clean-up workers seen at the WTC Environmental Health Center from 2005 to 2008, dyspnoea on exertion (67%) and cough (46%) were the most reported symptoms, followed by nasal or sinus congestion (39%), wheeze (27%), and chest tightness (28%). (Perlman, S. E., Friedman, S., Galea, S., Nair, H. P., Eros-Sarnyai, M.,

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