Obama Pros And Cons

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(Pro) The Republicans claim that Obamacare’s flaws are unacceptable and disastrous. Even with all of this debate and disagreements over the ACA, Rubio a Republican, “suggests a partial repeal” (Beavers par. 3) because he feels that Obama Care has some benefits, but could be improved. However, repealing the ACA has it’s own consequences.
(Con) Removing the ACA from its rightful place would mean higher prescription drug costs, affecting the ill and senior citizens in critical need. For example, a working mother named Megan Dooley Fisher has to pay “$2,500 out-of-pocket” (Rosenfield par. 6) on medication without the help of the ACA. Many other families and individuals like Megan Dooley Fisher would be facing financial difficulties …show more content…

However, the people that are left most vulnerable are immigrants living in the U.S. They’ve been mistreated for “generations, but now publicly insulted, dehumanized, [and] threatened with deportation” (Brewer par. 9) they need health care the most. But now with this repeal they might be left uninsured, and their lives are in jeopardy. According to the Brooklyn Institution, “36,000 people will die if the ACA is repealed” (Himmelstein par. 3). In other words, without the ACA, many people won’t be able to afford insurance plans, resulting in millions of people left uninsured. Employees would have to pay for their own health insurance as businesses can opt out of providing health insurance, leaving many workers with less freedom and a higher chance of going in debt. Originally the ACA forced many insurers to give insurance to those who couldn’t afford it. However, without the mandate or the reinforcement of law, many employers choose not to give health insurance to those who earn the low income. Additionally, Obama Care was responsible for bringing down the number of uninsured Americans from “41.3 million in 2013 [to] 28 million” (Jacobson par. 4), which is definitely a huge accomplishment. In other words, Obamacare was able to drastically bring down the number of uninsured people in a short period of time of 7 years. According to the Rand Corp, however, the repeal of the ACA could lead to “15.6 million uninsured people” (Jacobson 9), which could lead to a more disastrous setting in America. With many uninsured Americans roaming the streets, the federal government will lose the opportunity to receive even a little money from low-income families, but at the same time, will be putting many at