Obedience And The Milgram Study

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1. Discuss how the established routine, cognitive dissonance, and an agentic shift (i.e., release from responsibility) all worked together to lead to obedience in the Milgram study (basic paradigm). Discuss how each of these 3 factors could have, similarly, influenced the behaviors at Abu Ghraib. The results of the Milgram’s experiment were quite alarming as well as shocking. I was surprised when morals and belief were out weighted by demands and obedience. Obedience tended to out weight people morals and sense of feelings for human beings. This just showed us that we have been taught to obey commands and how powerful being an authoritive figure can become. In most cases, we will choose authority and obedience over moral because we have created …show more content…

The people in the Holocaust didn’t realize they were doing so much harm, to them I guess it seemed as though they were being technically responsible when morally they were responsible. These people who helped keep the Holocaust going thought they were not killing people by just “pushing papers” but really, they were just as bad as the Nazi killers. They are morally responsible for some of the killings of Jews. I do believe that something similar had happened at Abu Ghraib. I believe that a few of the members of the group began to abuse the prisoners and the others felt as though they had to go along with peer pressure and do as the others did. The guards more than likely punished the inmates not realizing that it could lead to deaths the more they were tortured and …show more content…

Over 480 people were killed. A genocide is a deliberate killing of a mass group of people especially those of a certain ethnicity. Their conflict was rooted in economic, political and social domination. The oil industry was a major factor in the conflict between the south and west Sudan. The South produced the oil and the North shipped it. The Chinese were the largest purchasers of oil and in return, they provided them with military needs such as guns, planes, tanks and ammunition. The environmental changes and the migration of groups could have been the reason for the military attack as well. The rise of tension from famine and the civil war, which had them outraged caused regions to become more militarized. It started in 2003 and the violence is still occurring today. Following an almost 22 years Civil war, the South won and the West after realizing they were being left behind, decided to launch their own attacks. Oil was a key produce in the outrage and aggression that developed. The Sudanese and the Nomadic Arab developed a militia group known as the Janjaweed, which translates to “devil on horseback”. They burned villages, raped women and children, polluted water sources and tortured