Obesity In America Essay

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One of the most common disorders amongst Americans is obesity- or, known as a disorder involving excessive body fat. It's prevalence is caused firstly by genetics that some may inherit, secondly by poor diets that some Americans may choose and lastly due to the lack of physical activity. Based on the statistics provided by the "National Institution of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases", more than two-thirds of adults are considered obese and of that more than one and twenty have extreme obesity. Obesity accounts for five to seven percent of national health expenditure in the U.S. and now outranks smoking and drinking in its deleterious effects on health and health costs.
Firstly, Obesity is caused by inheriting genetics from your family. Your genes may affect the amount of fat that is stored in your body and where you may carry extra body fat; however, even though you may become obese through genetics that does not mean you will be over weight. There may also be some hormone problems that may be the cause of obesity as well. Some hormones that may be a cause of obesity would be underactive thyroid and Cushing's syndrome Underactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland …show more content…

It's no secret that the amount of calories people eat and drink has a direct impact on their weight. Most people do not watch what they it; therefore, causing them to become obese. A part of not watching what you eat may have something to do with society. For example if you go to McDonalds all the fattening food will be on the dollar menu; whereas, if you want a salad from there it will be a little under six dollars. Of course majority of people are going to go for the dollar menu, they can get two burgers, fries and a drink for the cost of a salad. Although you're getting more for what you pay for, in the long run it would be better. You will be healthy not only from the looks of it, but on the inside as

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