Social Media Affects Girl's Body Image More Than You Think Analysis

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In Cindy Pierce’s article, “How Objectifying Social Media Affects Girl’s Body Image More Than You Think,” she argues that society controls how girls and women see themselves, and this will not be solved until they stop caring what other people think. Things celebrities and people we know post online make girls feel inadequate to the standards of others and in effect makes them unhappy with what they look like. Pressure is starting to build on girls at an early age and into adult hood to reach this standard of beauty set by social media. The only way to escape this feeling of being unworthy or less than the ladies in magazines is to become numb to the idea that women are not good enough. Women in magazines are photoshopped to sell products to help women reach the standard the internet has set. Until women realize these platforms try to manipulate girls, it will be hard to accept their body and their life for what it is. Women need to learn to stop letting social media determine their worth. The techniques that she uses in her article makes her message more effective, as she uses credibility, …show more content…

She states that she is a speaker on topics for students in college and she wrote the book Sex, College, and Social Media. This was influenced by the feedback she was getting from her speeches. She was surprised at the limited amount that the students knew on the subject. She also establishes credibility in her quotes, as her article uses Dr. Caroline Heldmans’ quote “What is habitual body Monitoring? We think about the position of our legs…hair, where the light is falling, who’s looking at us…” (qtd. in Heldman). This quote is from a professor at Occidental College with her PhD, makes the article more trustworthy to the audience because it is an educated individual giving their personal definition of this “habitual body monitoring”. She uses more quotes by professional people to have the same impact on her