Essay On Objective Knowledge

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Objective knowledge is when a person is not influenced by emotions or personal prejudices . Different cultures have different beliefs and points of view. What is right in one culture might be wrong in another culture. No moral can be considered right or wrong because morality is subject to everyone’s cultural perspective . Since people around the world grow up in different environments, it is almost impossible to agree on the same thing. In UAE, public displays of affection – from a married or non-married couple - are considered an offence. Charlotte Adams and Ayman Najafi, a British couple, were sentenced to a month in jail and were deported back to Britain after they were seen kissing in a restaurant . To the Emiratis, kissing is socially unacceptable. This is objective knowledge to them because they grew up with this law, but to the couple, kissing is normal. The couple found it very harsh as they merely kissed on the …show more content…

For example, I saw a cat. Does it mean it it’s not knowledge? We were not affected by emotions. We should try to research more or find out if something is true. For example, we can try to find out if the boiling point of water is really 100°C. If we do it ourselves and it shows that boiling point of water is really 100°C, it is objective knowledge. (objective knowledge: 1) theory is true, 2) we believe it is true, 3) theory can be justified as true. It’s not just believing that something is true. Example: if I believe the Earth is flat because the Bible said so, does that mean the Earth is flat?) Is knowledge acquired in school considered objective knowledge? Things we learn in school are not affected by our emotion or personal prejudices. Objective knowledge consists of things that can be observed or reproduced, or is made up of hard facts that come from consensus built over time . (direct quote?