Observation At SUNY New Pale's The Joy Luck Club

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As I watched people interact at a pageant after party hosted by the African Student Association on October 31st, 2104 at SUNY New Paltz, I found out some very interesting facts on how humans (male and female) interact with themselves when they see the opposite sex.
With my ability of scanning through out the party, I found out that certain human trait like trimmed beard, mustache and side burns caught most of the female’s attention at the party. Trimmed beard, mustache and side burn might have being attracted to these females due to the fact that an individual with a trimmed beard, mustache and side burn might have signal good genes and good health to the attracted females. Finding these traits in males may results in female mating with them due the fact that females may have associate trimmed beard, mustache and side burn with good genes/healthy living as a way of getting their genes spread out across their generations. With research done by Dixon and Brooks (2013), similar situation that I observed at New Paltz happened in their research. In Dixon and Brooks experiment unlike what I observed at the …show more content…

This attraction might be due to the fact that when one is muscular, it means regular exercise that leads to a better health and long living. Also another reason why males with muscles might have been attracted to females might be for protection against the unwelcome person who attacks them. Non-muscular males were also attracted but less by these females. In order for non-muscular males to be attracted by these females, they had to show what they have like putting on a dance show when music comes or by proving to the females that he is capable of protecting her whenever she needs help. With this one can say that not only muscles attracts males to female but also the ability to put on some performance