Occupational Therapy Code Of Ethics Essay

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Ethics is a system of moral principles, the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc. medical ethics; Christian ethics. Moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of confidence. Common theme to all of the various definitions of ethics: "Do the right thing". As OTA 's we belong to a professional group. Group membership implies compliance with fundamental principles of the group. There are 7 Principles to the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics: Beneficence: concern for the well-being of others, Nonmaleficence: Do no harm to our clients or their property, Confidentiality, Duty: OT 's must keep high professional standards, Justice: Complying with laws and regulations, Veracity: providing truthful, accurate information and Fidelity: loyalty to colleagues and other professionals. Professional behavior benefits of being a member of a profession: Respect, Trust, Autonomy and Status in society. In return, professional behavior is required of the members. Professional Behaviors follow the OT Code of Ethics, punctual; Respectful; Reliable. And also social interaction skills: Verbal communication (volume; politeness; …show more content…

One way OT’s and OTA’s can use to solve dilemmas is to lis the Pros and Cons of the action, assign a quality value to each action (0-10), then base your decision on the action with the highest value. Another way dilemmas can be solved is to ask the following questions: who are the players in the dilemma? What other facts or information are needed? What actions may be taken? What are the possible consequences of each action? After answering these 4 questions, you should have a better understanding of the situation and be able to select a course of action you are comfortable with and are able to