Occupational Therapy Personal Statement

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The reason I chose a degree in occupational therapy is because I believe helping others is the most rewarding task a person can perform. Occupational therapy changes people’s lives by making them more independent, successful in day-to-day activities, and improves a patient’s standard of living. The factors that occupational therapists focus on enhance patient’s health outcomes. I would find great self-fulfillment if I was able to do the miracle work that occupational therapists do on a day-to-day basis. This degree relates to my immediate goal to better my knowledge on how to care for patients effectively and properly, as well as receive more experience through field work where I will be able to learn from others who are experienced in this …show more content…

Being the oldest of 7 cousins and 3 younger siblings I have always been a caregiver and truly found joy in helping others. One of my brothers was born prematurely and has developmental challenges. I remember all the different therapists that would come to the house to help him and the appointments we would attend. The medical professionals that my brother saw made tremendous advancements in my little brother’s independence and development. I am so grateful for all the hard work and dedication these professionals did for my brother. My experiences with my brothers, cousins, grand and great grandparents have not only solidified my desire to become a medical professional, but it has also given me firsthand experience of how someone can truly make an impact on another person’s life. From an early age I knew I sought to join the medical community. I started taking medical terminology in my first year of high school, I progressed on to medical science 1, then I was given the opportunity to become a CNA through a dual credit course at the age of 16. The CNA course allowed me to assist/practice in all departments of the