Ocean Bay Classroom Management Plan

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When I think about my future classroom, classroom management is the main thing that scares me. Questions such as “What if I can’t control them” run through my mind. Thankfully, in my 6th grade science class at Ocean Bay Middle School, I am learning so much about a fair and consistent classroom. When first learning about Ocean Bay, I had expectations that the students were probably very well behaved and that there would not be any behavioral problems. I also assumed that the teacher would have almost perfect control over her students and there would not be any distractions in the classroom. Both of these stereotypes were incorrect. There were, in fact, some minor behavioral problems in the classroom that include talking out of turn, chatting with neighbors, and horse playing with friends. I had these misconceptions …show more content…

The classroom procedures were taught early in the year and are enforced as needed. The classroom management plan is geared for the whole class in terms of expectations. When one students misbehaves, my cooperating teacher move into proximity of the student to portray withitness. This strategy closely aligns with Jacob Kounin’s Instructional Management. My cooperating teacher plans her management by keeping the students busy with meaningful work. The environment is very consistent every day for the students. Students can come in the classroom and have a general idea of how the period will go. My cooperating teacher’s idea is that if you keep the students in a routine to prevent misbehavior, you will not have to deal with as many behavioral problems. This model works well for both of the 6th grade classes that I have seen. I have learned that young adolescents need a routine that they can be certain of every day. By having a set schedule, students feel comfortable and safe and do not feel such a need to act out as much, besides minor disruptions like