Odyssey Research Paper

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The Odyssey has many factors of an epic, making it epic. An epic is a narrative poem in elevated style presenting high positions of character in an adventure forming relation to a central heroic figure through their development of episodes importance to the history of a nation of race (What Is A Epic pp1). The Odyssey has many action packed adventures in the short Hamilton verison.
One example of an epic is that there are acts that consist of deeds valor or those requiring superhuman courage. Odysseus shows superhuman courage by taking risky chances. Odysseus takes a big chance in building the wooden horse and going to Troy. If he did not take the chance to building the wooden horse and going into Troy, Troy would not have fallen. If Troy …show more content…

Although the fall of Troy is mentioned very little in the Odyssey it was a violent war with an impact on Odysseus. Without the fall of Troy, Athena would not have asked Poseidon to create a horrible homecoming foron Odysseus. His adventures would have been shorter, than it was with Poseidon making a harder for him (211). Odysseus and his ships were on sea with his ship mean until they reached the land of Lotus-eaters. He is on sea and gets to the land of Lotus-eaters but on the 10th day of being there, Odysseus started having issues with the crew men. “ The inhabitants met them (Odysseus and crew men) with kindness and gave them their flower-food to eat, but those who tasted it, only a few fortunately, lost their longing for home.” Odysseus was forced to drag and chain his crew men to his ship because they lost their feelings for going home because of the flower-food (220). Wind spells that brought Odysseus and his crew to near death situations. Odysseus and his crew thought that the bag was full of gold and they opened it, would rushed out at once and swept them away in terror. “They thought the carefully stored bag was probably full of gold; at any rate, they wanted to see what was in it. They opened it, with the result, of course, that all the Winds rushed out at once and swept them away in a terrific tempest.”