Odyssey Vs Beowulf Research Paper

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Beowulf has many differences than once thought compared to other epics and poems. Compared to the Odyssey, a very popular epic, it has much less religious intervention and gods in general, due to it’s monotheistic nature. Beowulf is largely based on christianity and spreads the idea of christianity to its readers and listeners. However, both of them have many similarities as well. The Odyssey and Beowulf both have outgoing, strong male characters as heroes. Both face many hard opponents and tasks that they seem to overcome much more easily than the average person would. They also both show gratitude by thanking their god or gods for there impressive abilities. Religion in Beowulf is very much related to Christianity. We see many references …show more content…

The biggest theme in Beowulf is loyalty. This is especially prominent when we look at the character Wiglaf. Wiglaf has made a commitment to fight alongside Beowulf, even if his life was at risk. We see this in action when Beowulf tries to fight and fire breathing dragon and gets injured. The rest of his followers run away while Wiglaf helps Beowulf defeat the dragon. So, for his loyalty, Beowulf rewards him with the throne and then dies. In the Odyssey, Odysseus shows loyalty to his home and family as Odysseus tries to get back to them. Kalypso tries to make him stay with her forever, she offered him immortality, but Odysseus refused and gave up immortality to get back home. Both heroes in both epics displayed loyalty, which is a recurring seem in a lot of epics. Plots aren't the same between the two epics, so there is different opportunities to express different themes and subjects throughout both epics. In the Odyssey, we find Odysseus is trying to get back home. Odysseus goes through many trials that attempt to stop him from reaching his goal that Odysseus desperately needs and desires, this is not the case in Beowulf. In Beowulf we find our hero is attempting to murder all evil within his land. Beowulf is trying to kill and defeat many enemies to earn respect from everyone. The two epics express similar values and ethics, but through different